Saturday, January 28, 2006

The year of the DOG(s)

Happy Chinese New Year to you all...... it is the Year of the Dog and for you romantics, it is to be a year of great love !! I am looking forward to it !!!!!!

A good turn out for Barney's final (so he says!!) Dogs game. We had 18 assorted mongrels baying at the 1st tee box eager to chase the little white ball to all corners of the course. Ian Wright returned to the pack after his absence on leave and was a convincing and worthy winner of the Dog Doodoo having accumulated a meagre 15 points. His work mate Gus, last weeks Leader of the Pack, decided to chase his tail round and round the woods and only managed 20 points.... less than half the number he had last week !!!

At the top end it was another sad story for Top Dog who was pipped at the post again and deprived of balls by Barry who came in 3rd with 34 points. I suppose I should be grateful that we had one man with balls as the girls neutered the men at the top. In 2nd place we had Dingo Kate on 35 points and Leader of the Pack this week is OK with 36 points.... and to really rub our noses in it, OK also collected the nearest to the pin on the 12th. Well done OK !! As one would expect, "Matahari" will be taking the knife to certain handicaps!! By the way, OK..... there is no right of appeal in the Dogs rules !!!
After the golf the pack gathered at my kennel to say farewell to Barney.... apparently he thinks he is leaving !! It was a really fun night... thanks to all those that produced salads and desserts. Philippe took pictures all night, some which he has sent out to you by e-mail.... I like the captions !!! We wish Barney all the best and look forward to catching up with him sometime in the future.


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