Saturday, October 29, 2005

6 dogs & 13 smellies

A brief report on the 6 wee doggies left behind in Dhaka while others were playing in Thailand.

Gus, Poule, Bob B, Paul Rodgers, myself and a new dog Lars from Switzerland, welcome Lars, and took off in 2 flights in a pleasant dry heat on Saturday morning.

Despite a lack of trophies we played as if our lives depended on it. Bob Bieniek showed us the way around with 30 points and was this week's Leader of the Pack. Gus followed him home on 28 points. Lars in 3rd with 23 points was very pleased to receive his newly donated ball back to him and agreed that this was indeed a fine society.

Heading south Mr Rodgers with some massive drives only returned 22 points, don’t ask me how. Poule saved himself from DS with 19 points. I sensed his apprehension as he was standing in the veranda area waiting for me to smile or hang me head as I came off the 18th. It was the latter with a miserable 13 very smelly points, should be pints I reckon. It was the wind and rain in Ireland that ruined me. Dues were collected, social fund increased a little and Richard, I have the cards. Please confirm if the Great Dane and Irish setter will receive a shot back.

KGC were informed by govt body involved on Friday last that KGC and Army golf courses will be closed this weekend due to summit so no Rover Cup, they said Savar may be open so someone with their number might want to give them a ring if any DOGS fancy a game. I am looking at 10th December as the new date. Trophy people had let me down anyway while I was away. Teams will prob change as a few things have cropped up so could all confirmed team members drop me a line to say if they will be here or not. I have got the polo shirts at home so lets hope the sizes I have will fit everyone. Will recheck costs so far for the day as a few people were wondering on the fee regarding existing members of KGC, so will drop a line on this soon to all involved.


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