Saturday, December 24, 2005

Entente cordiale

Merry Xmas Pack..... I hope Santa was good to you all.

Not surprisingly, numbers were down a bit this week. We had 11 dogs barking on the 1st tee box at 11.50 prepared for a cross country chase..... and for many it was more than they bargained for!!! Again with the odd exception, it was a venture into the unknown for many !!

There was a far greater battle for the honour of kennelling the Dog Doodoo over Xmas than there was for the Leader of the Pack trophy !! However, with a skill rarely seen, Barry put on a wonderful display over the last few holes (18 to be precise!!) to claim the 'smelly stuff' with 20 points. Richard and Gus were very disappointed that they went home empty handed with 21points !! Moving swiftly away from the cess pit to the bed of roses..... in 3rd place we had Steady Eddie Bob Bieniek on 32 points being pipped by a double act... Philippe in 2nd on 34 points and Madame Medeau is Leader of the Pack this week with 38 points and a new handicap !!! I have little doubt that Chief Chopper will be vicious in the extreme in his last few remaining days before he faces the 'Head-hunters'.

Next Saturday we will play Kurmitola again at 12 o'clock. Be prepared... it is Hogmanay and the Scots go mad !!!
On the social front...... a reminder to please let me know whether you are coming to Richards farewell dinner on the 4th of January. I need the numbers to book the restaurant !!!
The other event you will need to put in your new diaries is the Burns Supper on Friday 3rd February. For those that enjoyed the St Andrews Night Ball ( and those that didn't!!), there is another opportunity to let yourself go, throw your legs in the air and eat, drink and dance the night away. It will be held at the British High Commission club and the cost is taka 2000 per person. Please let me know as soon as possible whether you wish to attend.... the numbers are restricted for this event.


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