Saturday, November 19, 2005

Big heads ... tiny scores

Another great turnout this week despite it being the morning after the Glitter Ball !! A few 'wild dogs' were noticeable by their absence presumably seeking the 'hair of the dog' to cure their problems. 18 assorted mongrels gathered on the tee box at 12 o'clock..... some a bit later than others which caused some confusion at the start. I would request that you turn up with plenty of time to have a practise, prepare mentally etc. May I suggest that you don't wait until 11.45 to go to an ATM... you know that is the busiest time for an ATM and I can assure you there is a train going past the railway crossing at 11.45 every Saturday as well !!!

Now to the golf. Once again the scores were generally not very good. Why, I am unable to say. The weather is lovely... dry and coolish, the course is in fairly good condition and the ball is running. Still we had 5 mutts in the teens and even fewer in the 30's !! We all welcomed Mike Tarry back to the pack after a couple of months absence but no one more so than Philippe !!! Mike came in with 13 points and would have carried the trophy home had it not been for Bogra Bill Collis having a love affair with it and refusing to hand it back !! However, that does not negate the fact that Mike is Dog Doodoo of the week. Philippe had 14 points, Ian Nible had 18, and Lisette had 19. At the other end, I missed out on the balls with 29 points as we had 3 people on 31 points. Gus lost on countback in 3rd place having had a superb front nine and the collapsed on the back. Bill came 2nd and Leader of the Pack this week was Paul Rodgers who, incidentally, also won the Nearest to the Pin on the 12th. Well done.


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