Thursday, November 02, 2006! The Rover Cup!

The event of the year is about to take place: The Rover Cup! The excitement is mounting, clubs are being cleaned and shined, balls are being balanced and marked, ballboys are being instructed (ooohps, no not really), bunker game is being honed, game strategies being pondered and everybody is getting ready for tee-off in the wee hours of Friday morning, November 3rd, 2006.

The team line-ups for now are as follows


Lydia, Kate, Khor, Kim S, Putu, Douglas, Natthanya, Ian, Greg, Flemming, OK, Gary


Teb, Pete, Mike, Pascale, Kim M., Leo, Margaret, Alan, Gus, Rob, Lisette, Philippe

Format will be Greensomes, Individuals, 4-Ball-Best-Ball. Updates will be forthcoming soon. Good game everybody and don't forget to chill the Guinness.


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