Saturday, July 01, 2006

Mac attack!

I thought we would have a lean week this week but amazingly we had 10 hardy mongrels turn up to play. The sun was shining brightly and a lovely breeze was blowing as we threw the balls. But once we teed off that nice breeze disappeared and we were left sweltering !!! It was HOT !!

The course was not in particularly great condition !! An army of grass pickers have left the worlds biggest bunkers on every fairway but the greens are good. Where the little men have dug sand pits they have placed new shoots of grass which will knit together in a couple of weeks. Surprisingly, the scores were generally quite good !!

We had new Dog James Crawford discovering every part of the course but showing his potential !! However, he was disappointed that he was unable to lay claim to the Dog Doodoo this week as it was his first outing.... Don't worry James, there is always next week !! In recognition of your efforts you will play off an 18 handicap next week!! That leaves your partner in crime... Grahame Mac with the honour of being Dog Doodoo this week with 23 points !!

At the other end we had balls going to Teb in 3rd place with 29 points,Gary in 2nd with 30 points and Leader of the Pack this week is Lars with 32 points. Well done chaps. You see, the lads can win balls.......... when the girls are playing away !!!! Kim tried to keep the girls 'end' up but being the only lass out on the turf proved a mission too far..... even for Kim !!
Have a fun week. For those of us that remain in Dhaka, we will play at the same time next week at the same place.


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